
Field Limits in Dataverse: How many fields are too many fields?

I want to share with you the Secret de Polichinelle for Dataverse.
The other day I came across a seemingly obvious limitation, but in my personal practice, it appeared for the first time – a limitation on the number of fields created per entity. More specifically, the limitation on the number of fields that are used in the Filtered View. … Read More

Dataverse, limits by publish, are you serious?

An extremely funny story happened to me on the project.
I understand that hardly anyone will have all the stars in such a sequence, but I can’t help but tell about this case.
I have 2 environments in which development is taking place. DEV1 is in the UAE region, DEV2 is in the GBR. This is because the DEV1 team is based in the UAE and is developing there, and the DEV2 team is developing Portal solutions, the servers for which were unavailable in the UAE at the beginning of the year. … Read More